
This website sprung forth from my desire to reclaim my earliest web experiences. Also events that shaped my early adulthood(19-21). 2000's me grew up in the middle of nowhere, so I enjoyed browsing the web. It gave me exciting glimpses into people's interests, people who I would likely never meet irl. But were nevertheless more real to me then even my family. I totally used the web a major escapism, especially after entering the workplace sector. After a day of working a piece of shit job I needed somewhere to go where I could lookup Pokemon strats, download anime skins for the Sim's, upload my art to Deviantart, blog on Livejournal, or look at Rotton.com lol

That brings me to my next thing. Also around this time I loved to gather with the few irl friends I had and roleplay. We played alot of White Wolf stuff, but my fav was Vampire the Masquerade. Many nights were spent drinking the cheapest beer, and roleplaying til early morning. These sessions lead me to filling countless sketchbooks with drawings of my vampire oc's(among other edgy things). The drawings and art created began to interest me more than roleplaying with my friends(which began to bore me). It's hard though to let myself be uneffected by others opinions. So when friends and family thought my drawing was a waste of time, or "gay" or whatever, I couldn't argue that they weren't wrong. Maybe I was doing something bad(they call it cringe nowadays, i guess).

Looking back on that time seems stupid, I let myself be effected by other's negativity. Or what they thought I should be doing with my talents. Drawing has consistently been my way of blowing of steam and trying to make sense of the world. Me drawing is like playing with dolls, and putting them in situations(sexy ones even).

Resurrecting my old characters seems like a perfect middle finger to my past. Playing with these old ideas, characters and improving them has given me a new life. So that's why a large portion of this website is dedicated to them. You can read their profiles below.
