
03/22/2024: Sometimes I forget that this blog section of my website can be used to communicate ideas, and also share images etc. So I wanted to share a
few sketches that I liked
getting myself hyped cuz soon I'll have these two shelled as fully fledged dolls!!
02/27/2023: On the v1.0 of this site I used to have a winamp(or webamp as it's called now)music player. Since music is so important to me, and I love to do stuff like make playlists for OC's. You can see why my website needed one. But I could never get it to work properly so that page was deleted when I created the v2 of this site. Well I brought it back, but as a hidden link that if you find it'll take you to the webamp player's to hoping you'll find it
10/31/2023: Welcome to v2.0 of my website. I did a major overhaul of the layout and all the pages. I'm grateful to all the people out there in Neocities land offering up free layouts. It helps me who is a tech noob, and I'm still trying to get the hang of coding. I wanna make a website that is first a formost clean, readable, and has accessibility for all. The last one is the most important to me particularly as I age and my eyesite gets shittier. I just want to make it so my site is laid out and formatted. So not to make you immediatly wanna close your browser.
There's alot of the same pages, but some new ones as well. The ABOUT page leads to a detail summary of why I decided to create this website. Gallery page is pretty explanatory, art of my characters. Blog page will be for site updates, general conversation, thoughts of the day, and maybe fun stuff like work in progress drawings or pictures of projects I'm working on. The INTERESTS page is new just a little insight into my mind. Things that I like and things that inspire me. Contact page is a little form you can fill out, if you ever wanted to get in touch with me or ask a question.LINKS page is of course links to other relevant websites that I enjoy.
The STORE page is dead for right now, but check back in the near future. Here I'm gonna have fun stuff like stickers( cuz ya know that sketckbook/laptop is lookin kinda bare ), prints, zines, plus anything anything else I can think of.
That's all for now. Hopefully if you're reading this have a Happy Halloween! get up to something spooky for me!!